作者:admin 发布时间:2023-01-20 02:45:20 分类:军事 浏览:213 评论:0
战役 [zhàn yì] [战役]基本解释
郭沫若 《洪波曲》第七章四:“在 淞 沪 战役中,我曾往 苏州 去访问过他。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第一章:“﹝ 老葛 ﹞兴奋地望着运粮民工雄壮的行列,想起即将到来的这次战役的伟大意义。”
战役是战争的一个局部,直接服务和受制于战争全局 ,也不同程度地影响战争全局。它直接运用战斗,也为战斗的成败所直接影响。现代战役,通常是诸军种、兵种共同进行的契约战役。 更多→ 战役
[战役]近义词 战争 战斗 大战 [战役]相关词语 战俘 战争 海战 战斗 三大战役 [战役]相关搜寻 淮海战役 三大战役 孟良崮战役 阿拉曼战役 滑铁卢战役 凡尔登战役 马拉松战役 战役的近义词是什么 战役的役组词
Many have come to the conclusion that they couldn't win this war.
They finally decide to come to our side.
Don't throw it away!It might come in handy in the future.
He comes to love his job soon.
How come he become so lazy?
I seem to have come across this word.
Come,come.Don't panic.It is not as scary as you think.
Naturally,you will come across a lot of difficulties.
Fresh vegetables are not easy to come by here in winter.