作者:admin 发布时间:2023-01-23 22:25:14 分类:军事 浏览:234 评论:0
1. 请给我一些在飞机上常用的英语单词和句子
一般正餐会给你两种餐点选择。(不同的航空公司,情况可能不一样)她可能会说:Excuse me sir. Do you want have/Would you like to have 。。 or 。。?
选择一般有chicken鸡肉/pork猪肉/beef牛肉 with rice米饭/noodles通心粉或是干拌面。你只要答主菜的名字就行了,比如Pork please.
可能会有点心,比如instant noodles方便面。
至于饮料,供应的次数会比较多,一般空姐会问Do you like some drink?
选择一般有,sprite雪碧,cola可乐, orange juice 橙汁,apple juice苹果汁, tomato juice番茄汁, coffee咖啡, tea茶, water矿泉水。
因为现在飞机不太能带液体物品,如果口渴了,可以和空姐说:Would you please give me some water?你能否给我些水?
过道上如果有人挡着路,跟对方说一声:Excuse me,可以表达打扰借过的意思。
其他最基本的无非是:Thanks谢谢 I am sorry对不起,bye 再见之类的。
2. 飞机上的乘客与飞行员的几句简短英语对话Pairwork:studentA:
Dialogue 1 调座位P: PASSENGER F: FLIGHT STAFFP: Can I put my baggage here?F: OK.P: Could you change my seat, please?F: No problem. I will arrange it for you .Dialogue 2 点餐P: What kind of drinks do you have?F: We have coffee, tea, juice and cocktails.(鸡尾酒)P: Please give me a cup of tea.F: And which would you like for dinner, beef or chicken?P: Beef, please.Dialogue 3 机上服务P: I feel cold. Can you give me a blanket?A: Please wait a moment. I will get one for you.P: Do you have Chinese newspaper?A: Sorry, we don't have any.Dialogue 4 询问时间P: Will this flight get there on time?A: Yes. It will arrive on time.P: How long does it take to get there?A: It takes five hours.Dialogue5 其他服务A: Hello, may I do something for you?P: I don't feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick.A: Don't worry. Here is the airsick bag if you need it. There is also some medicine on the plane. I will get some for you.P: Thank you.A: You are welcome.Dialogue 6 检查护照 (S: STAFF P: PASSENGER)S: May I see your passport, please?P: Here is my passport.S: What's the purpose of your visit?P: sightseeing. S: How long will you be staying in South Africa?P: 9 days.S: Enjoy your time in South Africa.Dialogue 7 突发情况P:I can't find my baggage.S: Can you describe your baggage?P: It's a small brown bag and here is my claim tag. (行李票)S: Ok, we'll look for it. Hold on, please.过了二十分钟:S:Sorry for the delay. Is this your bag?P: Yes. Thank you very much.Dialogue 8 入境申请S: Do you have anything to declare?P: Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.S: Please open this bag.P: Ok. The camera is for my personal use.S: OK.Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.Key words (机场常用词)Regular flight 正常航班Non-scheduled flight 非正常航班International flight 国际航班Flight number 航班号International terminal 国际航班候机楼Concourse 中央大厅Airport fee 机场费Departure lounge 候机室Taxi pick-up point 出租车乘车点Arrivals 进港、到达Landed 已经落Departure to 前往Delayed 延误Boarding 登机Transfer 中转Transit 换机Declare 报关Check-in 手续办理Tour arrangement 旅行安排Connecting flight counter 转机柜台。
3. 求和航空有关的一些英文常用语句
【网络综合 - 英语资源】:
airliner 班机
monoplane 单翼飞机
glider 滑翔机
trainer aircraft 教练机
passenger plane 客机
propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机
jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机
amphibian 水陆两用飞机
seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机
turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机
turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机
turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机
transport plane 运输机
helicopter 直升机
supersonic 超音速
hypersonic 高超音速
transonic 跨音速
subsonic 亚音速
Airbus 空中客车
Boeing 波音
Concord 协和
Ilyusin 依柳辛
McDonald-Douglas 麦道
Trident 三叉戟
Tupolev 图波列夫
航空售票,肯定是跟机票有关的机票上的有用信息是:始发地(from) 目的地( to ) 航班(flight No.) 日期(date) 起飞时间(time) 登机口(boarding gate)
4. 机场常用用语有哪些
票务 Ticketing
票号 Ticket Number
旅客订座记录 PNR (Passenger Name Record)
票价总额 Fare Basis
航空公司代号 Airline Code
票务代理 Ticket Agency
行程单 Itinerary
托运行李限制 Baggage Allowance
手提行李 Carry-on Bag
托运行李 Check-in Bag
机票改期 Date Change
升舱 Upgrade
差价 Fare difference
5. 飞机上或者飞机场 常用的英语有那些 谢谢大家
这个真太多了, 最好有具体所指。
下面简单列出一些, 权作抛砖引玉吧: Questions you will hear at the check-in counter: Ticket please.May I see your ticket?Do you have an e-ticket?Do you have some photo ID?How many bags are you checking?Did you pack these bags yourself?Do you have a carry-on bag? (a bag or purse to take on the airplane)Do you require special assistance? (example a “wheelchair”)Have you paid your airport improvement fee/tax?Would you like a window or an aisle seat? (aisle is pronounced “eye + l”) Problems you may hear: Your baggage is overweight. (Remove some contents or pay a fine.)Your carry-on luggage is too large.Your flight is delayed. (It's late.)Your flight has been cancelled. (You must rebook a new flight)Your connecting flight/connection has been cancelled/is delayed.Your ticket is expired.Your passport is expired. Commands and questions at the Security Checkpoint: Boarding pass, please.ID please. (show your photo ID)Spread your arms out please. (Put your arms up and out to the sides of your body)Take your shoes off.Open your bag.Take off/remove your belt.Do you have any change in your pockets?Do you have any metals?Do you have any food/produce?Do you have any liquids or medicine?Walk through.You must dump all food or beverages. (You can't bring it through the gates.) Questions YOU may need to ask: Is my flight on time?When should I be at the gate?Where is the boarding gate?Where is the washroom?Can I get a window seat?Is there somewhere to eat?Can I get a coffee at the gate?Is my connection on time?Where do I collect my baggage?Where can I find a taxi?Where is the departure gate?Where is the arrival gate?Where is the check-in desk for ….airlines?。
6. 办行李托运要用到的英文句子
关于行李托运的英文句子 1、Where is the check-in counter for Flight CA841? 请问在哪个柜台办理CA841航班行李托运? 首先要找到自己对应的航空公司,如果你找不到航空公司的柜台你就可以问这句。
check-in办理登机手续/托运行李。 2、Is this the right counter to check in for this flight? 这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗? 到了你要找的航空公司柜台,如果还不确定,就可以问服务人员或旁边的人。
3、Do you have any luggage to check in? 你要托运行李吗? 办理登机手续时,地勤人员会问你要托运行李吗? luggage和baggage都是行李的意思,可以互换。 4、Yes,this is my carry-on luggage and I'll check in these two suitcases. 是的,这个是我随身行李,我要托运两件手提箱。
5、How many pieces of luggage are you checking in? 你有多少件行李需要托运? luggage是不可数名词,不能加s。 6、Place them on the scales please. 请把它们放在磅秤上。
scale是称的意思。 7、Your baggage is 4 kilos overweight. You have to pay extra money for it. 您的行李超重4kg,需要额外付费。
每个航空公司都有规定的托运行李的重量,事先可以查询了解托运限额和超限费用。 8、What is the free baggage allowance?/ What is the limit? 请问免费托运行李重量限额是多少? allowance和limit在这里都表示限量,限额的意思。
9、The limit is 20 kilos per person. 免费托运行李重量限额是每人20kg。 kilo是kilogram的缩写,公斤的意思。
per:每一 10、How many pieces of carry-on luggage are permitted? 请问可以随身携带多少件行李? 通常航空公司只允许随身携带一件行李登机。 拓展资料一、关于行李托运的对话 Dialogue 对话: Woman: Should I have my luggage labeled for Houston here? 女士:我要把行李托运到休斯顿,是在这儿办理吗? Staff: Yes. How many pieces of luggage do you have? We'll have a look through them. 工作人员:是的,有几件行李?我们要查看一下。
Woman: I've got three. Here they are. 女士:我有3件,在这儿呢。 Staff: I must have them weighed on the scale. 工作人员:我得把它们过磅。
Woman: OK, as you say. 女士:好的。 Staff: Ah, they're overweight for twenty kilos. 工作人员:噢,超重20千克。
Woman: Do I need to pay more money? 女士:需要多交钱吗? Staff: Are you a group? 工作人员:您是团体旅游吗? Woman: Yes. 女士:是的。 Staff: Oh, there is no charge for group traveling. And here are the tags for your traveling bags. 工作人员:哦,团体旅行不收行李超重费。
给您行李标签。 Woman: Thanks. It will be more convenient to claim our luggage with them. 女士:谢谢。
有了标签提取行李就方便多了。 关于在飞机上的常用语句 1、Excuse me. I think you are sitting in my seat. 不好意思,你好像坐在我的座位上了。
这是比较礼貌的表达, 比直接说You are sitting in my seat. 更显礼貌。对方可能会回答:I'm sorry. I made a mistake.(不好意思,我弄错了.) 这时,你可以回答: Don't worry about it. / Never mind. (没关系) 2、Can you direct me to my seat? 可以带我去我的座位吗? 当在飞机上找不到座位时,可以用这句话询问空乘人员,并出示你的登机牌。
也可以说:I can't find my seat. Could you please help me find my seat? 或Can you tell me where seat 14C is? 一般飞机上的座位第一排是1A\1B….1L等,第二排是2A\2B…..2L等,以此类推。 3、Could you tell me how to fill out this form? 您能告诉我怎么填这张表吗? 也可以说: How do I fill out this form? (这张表怎么填?) Can you help me with this form?(您能帮我填一下这张表吗?)在飞机着陆前,空乘人员会要求旅客填写“入境申请表”(Disembarkation Card)和“海关申报表”(Customs Declaration Form)。
4、Excuse me. Can I get through? 不好意思,借过一下。 这是比较礼貌的说法,有时候简单的一句:Excuse me.也可以。
或者说:Excuse me. May I get through? 5、I'm not feeling well. Could you give me some medicine for air sickness? 我觉得不舒服。能给我点晕机药吗? 也可以说:I feel sick. Can I have an airsick bag?(我觉得恶心。
可以给我一下呕吐袋吗?)也可以说:I want to throw up.(我想吐。)。
7. 大家帮我找三十个有关民航的英文句子
1.We were expecting the flight to arive at 11:15.
2.The flight delayed due to the bad weather in Shanghai.
3.Now we don't know how long it will take before the plane arrives.
8. 机场常用句、短语和一些专用词汇求救
1.海关人员 Hello, can I see your passport, please? 您好,请出示您的护照。
吉姆 Here you are. 给您。
海关人员 What's the purpose of your visit? 您旅行的目的是什么?
吉姆 Sightseeing. 观光。
海关人员 Where are you staying? 您将在哪儿住宿?
吉姆 China World Hotel. 中国大饭店。
海关人员 How long will you be staying in China? 预计在中国停留几天?
吉姆 Six days. 六天。
海关人员 Ok. Have a nice trip.
2.乘务员 Excuse me. What would you like to eat, Chinese food or Western food? 打扰一下,请问您早餐要吃中餐还是西餐?
乘客 What are you serving for the Chinese breakfast? 中式早餐有什么?
乘务员 Rice porridge 白粥。
乘客 And the western style breakfast? 西式早餐呢?
乘务员 Fried eggs with ham. 火腿肠煎蛋。
乘客 I'll take the western style breakfast, please make it a double.
Heat Seeking Missile 就是红外制导的导弹了,得了个李广式的外号。
Out of Fuel 不是好事的了——没油了,所以也可以在返航时说。可是返航是好事呀,矛盾呀!
Friendly S/A Missile 自己一方的面对空导弹。为什么是“小鸟”?
Bogey Dope
Requst for info (AWACS) 呵呵,和那帮家伙打交道从来没有好消息,所以叫这词最合适,让人回味。
Buddy Spike
Friendly RWR contact 悟空!你又吓我。
Reference Point 没得说,连靶心都叫它。
Fly at max MIL power 飞飞飞……
形势像天气和心情一样好,因为 No Radar contact,平安无事了。
Cleared Hot
Cleared to fire 好、好、好,开练!
Laser designator inoperative 哇!不会吧?这么倒霉?那还炸谁去?
Fox One
semi-act radar missile launch 没有人能抵挡这瞬间的快感吧?
Fox Two
《地球反击战》中他们发射时喊的是?我记不得了,这个是IR guided missile launch
Fox Three
actv rdr missile launch 大家都喜欢。
on intercept w/tgt cntct 就像那场美丽的邂逅。
HARM Launch 够它们喝一壶的,我也象酒鬼一样离不开HARM了。
RWR ground threat 那些烂货,又拿破电筒扫一扫的。
No RWR Indications 好!赤条条了无牵挂。
Launch Bomb 不会吧?这下去啥都没了,泡菜都没得吃。
Radar lock on unkn a/c 看看前面那家伙是谁?
AGM-65 Launch 小牛真牛,Maverick又远又准,像Rifle么?
Situational Awareness 做人这一点上也不容易呀!
Equipment working OK 感觉还可以。
No Ordnance 那还打什么?
Target of Opportunity 三斤还高高的,还饶了我两条。飞 行 中 的 部 分 标 准 用 语 :
例句 acknowledge 请认收
Let me know that you have received and understood this message. (请告诉我你已收到并理解了电文。)
例:CA502 acknowledge all further transmission. (CA502请认收以下发话。)
affirm 是的,同意
Yes. (是的。)
例:CA521 are you ready for immediate departure? (CA521能立即起飞吗?)
CA521 affirm. (CA521是的。)
approved 同意
Permission for proposed action granted. (准许或承认所要求的事项。)
例:CA227 pushback approved. (CA227同意推出。)
break 断开
I hereby indicate the separation between portions of the message. (To be used where there is no clear distinction between the text and other portions of the message). (我在此指明本电文两部分之间的间隔[同一电文上下文之间无明显区别时使用]。)
例:CA351 taxi to runway 18L, break center line taxiway lighting unserviceable. (CA351滑到18号左跑道,断开,滑行道中央灯光故障。) break break 断开,断开
I hereby indicate the separation between messages transmitted to different aircraft in a very busy environment. (通话非常繁忙,现指出向不同飞机通话的间隔。)
例:CA918 descend immediately FL120, break break, all stations, stop transmitting MAYDAY. (CA918立即下降到1万2千英尺,断开,断开,所有各台停止发话,有遇险活动。) cancel 取消
Annul the previously transmitted clearance. (取消先前发给的许可。)
例:CA512 hold position, cancel I say again, cancel take off, vehicle on the runway. (CA512原地等待,取消,重复一遍,取消起飞,跑道上有车辆。) check 检查
Examine a system or procedure.(No answer is normally expected.) (检查系统或程序[通常不期待回答]。)
例:CA302 check your transmitter and give me a long call. (CA302检查你的发射机并给我1次长呼。) cleared 准许,可以
Authorized to proceed under the conditions specified. (附有条件的许可或承认。)
例:CA502 cleared for take off wind calm. (CA502 可以起飞,静风。) confirm 证实
Have I correctly received the following...? Or did you correctly receive this message? (我收到以下的电文是正确的吗?或你收到该电文是正确的吗?)
例:512 confirm leaving 5700m. (512证实脱离5700米。) contact 联系
Establish radio contact with.... (与...建立无线联系。)
例:512 contact Tower on 118. (512联系塔台118。) correct 正确
That is correct. (发送的话是正确的。)
例:502 read back correct, (502 复诵正确。) correction 更正
An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated), and the correct version is... (已发电文有错误,正确的是 ...)
例:521, correction 512 start-up approved. (521, 更正,512可以开车。) disregard 作废
Consider that transmission as not sent. (取消已发送的电文。)
例:312 disregard previous ATC clearance. (312 先前航行许可作废。) go ahead 请讲
Proceed with your message. (发送你的电文。)
例:118 Tower go ahead. (118塔台请讲。) how do you read 听我声音怎样
What is the readability of my transmission? (我的发话声音怎样?)
例:301 how do you read? (301听我声音怎样?) I say again 我重复一遍
I repeat for clarity or emphasis. (为了明确与强调,我再讲一遍。)
例:312 cancel, I say again cancel take off. (312取消,我重复一遍,取消起飞。) monitor 守听
Listen out on(frequency). (在(频率)上守听。)
例:512 monitor ATIS 123.25. (512,在123.25上守听通播。) negative 不对,不同意
No or permission not granted or that is not correct. (不对,不同意或不正确。)
例:312 negative start up 05. (312不同意,开车时间05分。) out 再见
This exchange of transmissions is ended and no response is expected. (本次发话结束,不期望回答。) over 回答
My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you. (我的发话完毕,等待你的回答。) read back 复诵
Repeat all, or the specified part of this message back to me exactly as received. (严格复诵收到的全部电文或电文的特指部分。)
例:412 read back correct. (412复诵正确。) recleared 重新许可
A change has been made to your last clearance and this new clearance supersedes your previous clearance or part of them. (刚才给你的指令有更改,本新指令取代你先前收到的指令或其一部分。)
例:412 recleared for FL350 report reaching. (412 重新许可使用高度层3万5千英尺,达到报告。) report 报告
Pass me the following information. (向我发送以下信息。)
例:312 report final. (312报告完毕。) request 请求
I should like to know... or I wish to obtain... (我想知道...,或我希望获得... 。)
例:CA312 request time check. (CA312请求校时。) roger 收到
I have received all of your last transmission. (我已全部收到你的发话。)
例:Delta 386 roger. (三角386收到。) say again 重复
Repeat all, or the following part, of your last transmission. (全部或部分重复你刚才的发话.)
例:Station callings Tower say again your call sign. (呼叫塔台的电台,重复一下你的呼号。) speak slower 讲慢些
Reduce your rate of speech. (降低你的语速。)
例:Beijing Control speaks slower. (北京区调度请讲慢些。) standby 稍等
Wait and I will call you. (在我呼叫之前,请等待(我的发话)。)
例:512 standby 118 for Tower. (512请在118塔台频率上稍等。) verify 核实
Check and confirm with originator. (检查并向原发话者证实。)
例:312 verify position. (312请核实目前位置。) wilco 照办
I understand your message and will comply with it. (Abbreviation for “will comply”). (我已理解你的电文并将执行。)
例:502 wilco. (502照办。) words twice 发送两遍
①As a request: Communication is difficult. Please send every word or group of words twice. (作为请求:因通讯困难,请将每(或组)字发送两遍。)
例:Beijing Control 512 words twice. (北京区调度512请发送两遍。)
②As information: Since information is difficult, every word or group of words in this message will be send twice. (作为信息:由于通讯困难,本电文的每字或每组字将发送两遍。)
例:502 I read you 2 words twice. (502,我听你2,发送两遍。) 其它: hooded flight 暗舱仪表飞行
radio navigation aids 无线电领航设备
maneuver flight 机动飞行
air combat 空战
concentrate superiority in force 集中优势兵力
air force civilian cadre 空军文职干部
stop flying system of flying personnel 飞行人员停飞制度
content of flight training 飞行训练内容 Dive angle (pitch-down angle) high (low). Apply a little back stick.
俯冲角(俯角)大(小)了,带点杆。 Check the distance. Distance too far. Advance(retard) a little throttle.
注意距离。距离远了。加(减)油门。 (接近正常)Pay much attention to the speed difference; retard (advance) a little throttle. (正常后)Distance good. Maintain the distance carefully.
(接近正常)注意速度差,减(加)油门。(正常后)距离好,注意保持。 Maintain the bombing data carefully. No high (low) speed.
注意保持好轰炸诸元。速度不要大(小)。 Pay attention to the horizon and rate-of-climb indicator. Don’t climb (descend).
注意地平仪、升降表。不要上升(下降)。 Pay attention to passing over the departure point correctly. The aircraft is to the left. Left correction. Adjust the airspace location.
注意正确通过起点。飞机偏左。向左修正。调整空域位置。 Adjust the autopilot. Check the pitch channel. Engage the autopilot.