作者:admin 发布时间:2023-02-07 23:40:22 分类:军事 浏览:263 评论:0
Common Orders
起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
快点儿! Be quick!
集合! Fall in!
一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)
立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
向右看-齐! Right-dress!
向左看-齐! Left-dress!
向前-看! Eyes- front!
报数! Count off!
点名! Call the roll!roll call
到! Here!
立定! Halt!
靠拢! Close!
向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)!
向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)!
向后-转! About-face(About turn)!
齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)!
踏步! Mark time-march!
跑步-走! Double (time)-march!
便步-走! At ease-march!
右转弯-走! Right-wheel!
左转弯-走! Left-wheel!
前进! Advance!
取(拿)枪! Take arms!
肩枪! Shoulder arms!
枪放下! Order arms!
卧到! Down!
装子弹! Load!
退子弹! Unload!
射击! Fire!
起立! Get up (Stand up)!
解散! Dismiss!
用炮 Prepare for action!
收炮 March order!
架炮 Seat/Mount gun!
置炮 Lay gun!
就炮 Take posts!
炮后集合 Fall in in rear of piece!
1. Squad – Fall in
2. Attention
3. Stand at – ease
4. Stand easy
5. Dressing in three ranks – right dress
6. Eyes – front
7. Open Order – March
8. Close Order – March
9. Move to the right in threes – Right turn
10. Move to the left in threes – Left turn
11. Move to the right – Right turn
12. Move to the left – Left turn
13. Squad will retire – About turn
14. Squad will advance – About turn
15. Squad will fall out – Fall out
16. Squad will dismiss – Dismiss
17. Inclining at the halt – Right incline
18. Inclining at the halt – Left incline
19. By the left – Quick March
20. Squad – Halt
21. Saluting to the front – Salute
22. Saluting to the left – Salute
23. Saluting to the right – Salute
24. By the right – Eyes right
25. By the left – Eyes left
26. Eyes front
27. Move to the left in threes – About turn
28. Move to the right in threes – About turn
29. By the left – Mark time
30. Forward
Army 陆军
Field Marshal 元帅
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (ClassII) 二级准尉
Staff Sergeant 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Lance Corporal 一等兵
Private 二等兵
Recruit 新兵
Air Force 空军
Marshal of the Royal Air Force 元帅
Air Chief Marshal 上将
Air Marshal 中将
Air Vice Marshal 少将
Air Commodore 准将
Group Captain 上校
Wing Commander 中校
Squadron Leader 少校
Flight Lieutenant 上尉
Flying Officer 中尉
Pilot Officer 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉
Flight Sergeant 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Senior Aircraftman 一等兵
Leading Aircraftman 二等兵
Aircraftman 新兵
Navy 海军
Admiral of the Fleet 元帅
Admiral 上将
Vice Admiral 中将
Rear Admiral 少将
Commodore 准将
Captain 上校
Commander 中校
Lieutenant Commander 少校
Lieutenant 上尉
Sublieutenant 中尉
Acting Sublieutenant 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉
Chief Petty Officer 上士
Petty Officer First Class 中士
Petty Officer Second Class 下士
Leading Seaman 一等兵
Able Seaman 二等兵
Ordinary Seaman 新兵
Marine Corps 海军陆战队
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉
Colour Sergeant 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Marine First Class 一等兵
Marine Second Class 二等兵
Recruit 新兵
Army 陆军
General of the Army 五星上将
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier General 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
First Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Master Sergeant 军士长
Sergeant First Class 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Private First Class 一等兵
Private 二等兵
Basic Private 三等兵
Air Force 空军
General of the Air Force 五星上将
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier General 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Mayor 少校
Captain 上尉
First Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Master Sergeant 军士长
Technical Sergeant 技术军士
Staff Sergeant 参谋军士
Airman First Class 一等兵
Airman Second Class 二等兵
Airman Third Class 三等兵
Navy 海军
Fleet Admiral 五星上将
Admiral 上将
Vice Admiral 中将
Rear Admiral 少将
Commodore 准将
Captain 上校
Commander 中校
Lieutenant Commander 少校
Lieutenant 上尉
Lieutenant Junior Class 中尉
Ensign 少尉
Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Chief Petty Officer 军士长
Petty Officer First Class 上士
Petty Officer Second Class 中士
Petty Officer Third Class 下士
Seaman First Class 一等兵
Seaman Second Class 二等兵
Apprentice Seaman 三等兵
Marine Corps 海军陆战队
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier General 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
First Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Master Sergeant 军士长
Technical Sergeant 技术军士
Staff Sergeant 参谋军士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Private First Class 一等兵
Common Orders
起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
快点儿! Be quick!
集合! Fall in!
一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)
立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
向右看-齐! Right-dress!
向左看-齐! Left-dress!
向前-看! Eyes- front!
报数! Count off!
点名! Call the roll!roll call
到! Here!
立定! Halt!
靠拢! Close!
向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)!
向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)!
向后-转! About-face(About turn)!
齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)!
踏步! Mark time-march!
跑步-走! Double (time)-march!
便步-走! At ease-march!
右转弯-走! Right-wheel!
左转弯-走! Left-wheel!
前进! Advance!
取(拿)枪! Take arms!
肩枪! Shoulder arms!
枪放下! Order arms!
卧到! Down!
装子弹! Load!
退子弹! Unload!
射击! Fire!
起立! Get up (Stand up)!
解散! Dismiss!
用炮 Prepare for action!
收炮 March order!
架炮 Seat/Mount gun!
置炮 Lay gun!
就炮 Take posts!
炮后集合 Fall in in rear of piece!
1. Squad – Fall in
2. Attention
3. Stand at – ease
4. Stand easy
5. Dressing in three ranks – right dress
6. Eyes – front
7. Open Order – March
8. Close Order – March
9. Move to the right in threes – Right turn
10. Move to the left in threes – Left turn
11. Move to the right – Right turn
12. Move to the left – Left turn
13. Squad will retire – About turn
14. Squad will advance – About turn
15. Squad will fall out – Fall out
16. Squad will dismiss – Dismiss
17. Inclining at the halt – Right incline
18. Inclining at the halt – Left incline
19. By the left – Quick March
20. Squad – Halt
21. Saluting to the front – Salute
22. Saluting to the left – Salute
23. Saluting to the right – Salute
24. By the right – Eyes right
25. By the left – Eyes left
26. Eyes front
27. Move to the left in threes – About turn
28. Move to the right in threes – About turn
29. By the left – Mark time
30. Forward
Army 陆军
Field Marshal 元帅
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (ClassII) 二级准尉
Staff Sergeant 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Lance Corporal 一等兵
Private 二等兵
Recruit 新兵
Air Force 空军
Marshal of the Royal Air Force 元帅
Air Chief Marshal 上将
Air Marshal 中将
Air Vice Marshal 少将
Air Commodore 准将
Group Captain 上校
Wing Commander 中校
Squadron Leader 少校
Flight Lieutenant 上尉
Flying Officer 中尉
Pilot Officer 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉
Flight Sergeant 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Senior Aircraftman 一等兵
Leading Aircraftman 二等兵
Aircraftman 新兵
Navy 海军
Admiral of the Fleet 元帅
Admiral 上将
Vice Admiral 中将
Rear Admiral 少将
Commodore 准将
Captain 上校
Commander 中校
Lieutenant Commander 少校
Lieutenant 上尉
Sublieutenant 中尉
Acting Sublieutenant 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉
Chief Petty Officer 上士
Petty Officer First Class 中士
Petty Officer Second Class 下士
Leading Seaman 一等兵
Able Seaman 二等兵
Ordinary Seaman 新兵
Marine Corps 海军陆战队
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉
Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉
Colour Sergeant 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Marine First Class 一等兵
Marine Second Class 二等兵
Recruit 新兵
Army 陆军
General of the Army 五星上将
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier General 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
First Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Master Sergeant 军士长
Sergeant First Class 上士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Private First Class 一等兵
Private 二等兵
Basic Private 三等兵
Air Force 空军
General of the Air Force 五星上将
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier General 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Mayor 少校
Captain 上尉
First Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Master Sergeant 军士长
Technical Sergeant 技术军士
Staff Sergeant 参谋军士
Airman First Class 一等兵
Airman Second Class 二等兵
Airman Third Class 三等兵
Navy 海军
Fleet Admiral 五星上将
Admiral 上将
Vice Admiral 中将
Rear Admiral 少将
Commodore 准将
Captain 上校
Commander 中校
Lieutenant Commander 少校
Lieutenant 上尉
Lieutenant Junior Class 中尉
Ensign 少尉
Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Chief Petty Officer 军士长
Petty Officer First Class 上士
Petty Officer Second Class 中士
Petty Officer Third Class 下士
Seaman First Class 一等兵
Seaman Second Class 二等兵
Apprentice Seaman 三等兵
Marine Corps 海军陆战队
General 上将
Lieutenant General 中将
Major General 少将
Brigadier General 准将
Colonel 上校
Lieutenant Colonel 中校
Major 少校
Captain 上尉
First Lieutenant 中尉
Second Lieutenant 少尉
Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉
Warrant Officer 二级准尉
Master Sergeant 军士长
Technical Sergeant 技术军士
Staff Sergeant 参谋军士
Sergeant 中士
Corporal 下士
Private First Class 一等兵