作者:admin 发布时间:2023-02-23 03:43:27 分类:军事 浏览:318 评论:0
On September 1, 1939 before dawn, Germany suddenly set out 58 teachers, 2,800 tanks, 2,000 airplanes and 6,000 cannons, initiated "the lightning type attack" to Poland. On September 3, England and France are compelled to Germany to declare war, Second World War comprehensive eruption. Fascist Germany to Poland's aggressive war, is Hitler dominates the world war always to plan an important constituent. Poland is located east Europe, east meets Soviet Union, west is near Germany, Czechoslovakia, north is close to Baltic Sea, the strategic status is extremely important. Poland was at that time England and France in the European various allied countries in the military a most formidable country. Germany if seizes Poland, not only can obtain the massive military economical resources, moreover also can greatly improve own strategic status; Also may eliminate attacks England and France the extra worries, but also may establish attacks Soviet the base. Therefore, Germany after annexes Austria and Czechoslovakia, next step invades the goal is blue on the stationary wave. Hitler from October, 1938, Germany to Poland one after another proposed the territorial claim, wanted Poland to hand over "the polish corridor" with Danzig, and will construct the road, the railroad right in "the polish corridor" also gives to Germany. These requests encounter the Polish government Yan Ci to reject, thereupon Germany decided forces Poland with the military force to obey. The German armed force invades the wave war the plan code number is "the white plan", its strategic attempt is: Uses the fast army corps and the superiority air force, the implementation suddenly attacks, perishes at one fell swoop Poland. The Polish campaign, is Fascist Germany "the blitzkrieg" in the war first time application. On August 31, 1939 evening, wore the Polish military uniform the German Schutzstaffel, pretended to be the wave armed force, has attacked the German frontier standard Lai broadcasting station, insulted Germany in the broadcast with Polish, and threw down several to wear the Polish military uniform, is the German prisoner's corpse in fact. After that, the entire German various broadcasting stations all broadcast "Germany to encounter Poland suddenly attacked" the news. On September 1 before dawn, Germany then on a large scale invades Poland. Poland and England and France both countries once subscribed have the treaty of alliance, after the German wave war breaks out, on September 3, the England and France government declared war to Germany, and indicated had to fulfill protects the Polish independent promise. But the England and France government proclaims in fact but does not fight, not earnestly aids Poland. The Polish government lacks the preparation to the German armed force's suddenly attack, accepts battle in haste, the result the defense line rapidly disintegrates in under the German armed force's attack. The Polish government runs away overseas toward on September 16. Although the Polish government joins in the battle escapes, but the Polish people or with the Polish army together, launch the life-and-death fight with the German armed force. Defends in Warsaw fights, the Warsaw soldiers and civilians had persisted more than 20 day-long fierce combat, finally are without ammunition and food, Warsaw downcasts. The Polish government our country safe reposing in the English Dharmakaya, not earnestly prepares for the counter- aggression, the result is betrayed in the critical time by England and France, becomes the sacrificial victim which the imperialism great nation strives for hegemony.
Adolf Hitler (help·info) (April 20, 1889 – April 30, 1945) was Chancellor of Germany from 1933, and "Führer" (leader) of Germany from 1934 until his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party.
Hitler gained power in a Germany facing crisis after World War I, using charismatic oratory and propaganda, appealing to economic need of the lower and middle classes, nationalism, anti-Semitism and anti-communism to establish a totalitarian or fascist dictatorship. With a restructured economy and rearmed military, Hitler pursued an aggressive foreign policy with the intention of expanding German Lebensraum ("living space"), which triggered World War II when Germany invaded Poland. At the height of its power, Nazi Germany occupied most of Europe, but it and the Axis Powers were eventually defeated by the Allies.
By then, Hitler's racial policies had culminated in the mass murder of at least eleven million people, including the deliberate genocide of about six million Jews, and the systematic killings of many other groups and nationalities, including Romany people, Russian and soldiers and civilians, Polish people, Communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Social Democrats, members of trade unions, homosexuals and others that composed the other five million dead, in what is now known as the Holocaust.
In the final days of the war, Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker in Berlin with his newlywed wife, Eva Braun