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旅游文化英文 旅游文化英文作文

作者:admin 发布时间:2022-12-21 16:45:08 分类:杂志 浏览:365 评论:0


1、“文化旅游业”用英语怎么说 Business culture tourism 就是这个的翻译了 culture意思是文化。

2、One of the most famous parks to go to in Beijing is the Summer Palace It is located in the western suburbs of Beijing It is easy to go there by bus, by taxi of by bike It is one of the most。

3、four seasons Annual average temperature of 151 degrees Celsius 187 Celsius degrees, the average annual rainfall of 14212 mm, year average no frost 284 days Forestry and is rich in hydropower resource。

4、Travelling Cultural Dissemination Company, Ltd。

5、Go a long learning, tourism itself is a cultural industries Travel all the tourists, are the motives which have temporarily left the familiar surroundings, but are not familiar with or are not familiar with。

6、Expo travel and cultural exchanges 采用我的吧,保证是对的,我问了我们老师的,也查了资料的。

7、回答To travel to see beautiful scenery, to understand different cultures。

8、管理动态关系 文化遗产所在地和旅游业的关系是动态的,并且可能会涉及到价值冲突应该在现在和未来采取可持续发展的方式进行管理保护解释和旅游业发展项目应该基于一个具体的全面了解,但特殊地方的文化遗产意义往往是复杂或。

9、我认为文明旅游可以注重以下一些方面首先,旅游者要提高自身 文化 素质,做到文明出行,不做一些破坏文化的行为,并且及时提醒他人的不文明行为第二,导游景点管理处要对旅客不文明的行为加以提醒劝阻第三,媒体应。

10、To travel to see beautiful scenery, to understand different cultures。



13、To extend the communication between two nations and to develop the tourism in Zhang Jiajie, we workcorporate together希望能够帮到楼主。

14、China is a very rich tourist resources of the country, with magnificent mountains, beautiful Jiang and spring, waterfall, the majestic ancient architectural art, strange flora and fauna and untold heritage is the。

15、the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again泉州号称东亚文化之都海上丝绸之路起点海滨邹鲁光明之城“地下看西安,地上看泉州”,行走在城市中。

16、I like traveling Because through it we can visit many places of historical interest, learn different culture, and make new friends Especially it can make myself buoyant。

17、Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone located 35km away from Sanya city, is famous for the unique rainforest at 18 degrees north latitude of China。


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