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旅游手册的英文 旅游手册的英文怎么说

作者:admin 发布时间:2022-12-15 09:30:17 分类:杂志 浏览:231 评论:0


33tourist handbook 旅游手册 Remember to bring a tourist handbook with you when you go for a travel 出去旅游时记着带一本旅游手册 英语旅游常用句子 1人生不过是一场旅行,你路过我,我路过你,然后各自修行,各自向前;去度假1take a vacation 2go home for holidays现代商务汉英大词典Examples1即使我们能去度假,我们可能也不想去Even if we can have take a vacation,we may not have want to2他看了旅游手册就巴不得去;B当然穿过东长安街,沿着街道直走,在到左边的第三条街道那里向左走就行了那里离这里很近,你走着去就行啦游客谢谢,真好另外,我想买本北京的旅游手册,附近有书店吗L有,在西长安街右边街道上就有一;去度假1 take a vacation 2 go home for holidays现代商务汉英大词典Examples1 即使我们能去度假,我们可能也不想去Even if we can have take a vacation, we may not have want to2 他看了旅游手册就;travel的过去式是travelled 1意思v长途行走旅行游历以某速度朝某方向或在某距离内行进,转送,传播经长途运输仍不变质经得住长途运输 n旅行旅游游历出国旅游 2读音英 #712tr#230vl;万象洞,国家AAAA级旅游景区省级地质公园省级风景名胜区省级文物保护单位,有“华夏第一洞”“地下文化长廊”“地下艺术宫殿”等美誉万象洞位于甘肃省陇南市武都区汉王镇杨庞村的半山腰,距市区10公里该洞已有2。

旅行traveljourneytour 1travel英 #712tr#230vl 美 #712tr#230v#601ln旅行 进行 移动 漫游 vi旅行 传送 前进,行进 篮球走步 vt经过,通过 游历 2journeyvt在;导游相关英文术语 constitution宪法 tertiary industry第三产业 tourismtravel industry旅游业 tour guide导游 local guide地陪 national guide全陪 escort陪同 sightseeing观光,游览 travel brochure旅游手册 tourist resources旅游资源。

The world three distinct moonlit nights, two point rascal is Yangzhou Yangzhou one has more than 2000 year historical old city Sui and Tang dynasties time Yangzhou is national economic center the Grand Canal is;Last weekend the weather was fine,we class all the students will go to travel Xuanwu LakeWe meet at the school gate at early in the morning,and then take the bus came to Xuanwu LakeNanjing xuanwu is。

a person,read through them and go to back with just the one and book with the travel agents directly 第一步直接跨入旅行社的大门,通读堆成半人高的旅行小册子然后选中一本,直接跟旅行社签约;n 手册,小册子 短语1brochure design 宣传册设计小册子设计书刊画册设计 2sales brochure 售楼说明书推广小册子 3travel brochure 旅游指南 例句You can also print your own brochure or newsletter that;西湖的话是有英文版的旅游手册的,你想要就购买的话,可以去购买想;Hello,everyone!Here is an introduction about some famous interests in Anhui ProvinceAs we know,Anhui Province has a long history and rich cultureFor example,Tianzhu Mountian which lies in the north side of。


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